Saturday 14 May 2011

Alqaqa Bin Amr Al tamimi 2 القعقاع بن عمرو التميمي (Arabic Islamic Movie)

Differed senior Tamim tribe about to enter into Islam, because of Zakat, where he considered them tightly, but Qaqaa chose delegations to the Prophet - peace be upon him - to know the validity of the new religion, Vokaroa opinion, but remained some opponents, retired the majority approved the opinion of Qaqaa, He objected to some charity Khuza'a on her way to the Prophet - peace be upon him - Vosroha Bnsaiha Muslim, it was agreed cushion the tribe to send an urgent delegation to the Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him -.
During the seminar the 2 of the series "Qaqaa", Thursday 12 August 2010 - and the impact of fight lattice between the poet of the Prophet - peace be upon him - Hassan ibn Thabit, and poet delegation Tamim delegation recognizes Tamim, and on his head Qaqaa ibn Amr, and once to return to his wife Inviting them to Islam.
Qaqaa and travels to the Prophet - peace be upon him - longing to, during the season farewell.
Appeared during that episode, the three prophets; Msalimp, Talha and Black Ansi; that has fascinated some people to acts of conjuring tricks fluently.

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