Monday 4 April 2011

Magic History (Jews Satan and Zionists) 1ساحری اور سامری

Jews say that Prophet Solomon when destroyed many countries who did not worship Allah, there Solomon A.S got many more books of Magic and Solomon A.S learnt Magic from those books and with the help of that magic Prophet Solomon was succeeded to defeat Jinns and Devil
it means that history and basis of Magic in ''Judaism'' , Zionists are very deep, they also  use Kibala (Qibala) magic

Chemistry is also an magic , Muslim scenarist  did with chemistry very good and they never tried to do any thing against the Rules of Allah,
but after 17 A.D , Jews started to interfere in Divine rules of Allah.

They did many thing which were not allowed in this world by a human but they and we are doing,,,,,,,
Chemistry, Bio, Physics etc. have some boundaries and lines but they and we have crossed all lines and boundaries, this an documentary in which we will watch history of Cinema, it will show us , How Cinema and Videos making invented and how audio was mixed in Videos and how Zionists are till now using Cinema  to achieve    their evil purposes, a great informative documentary, Must Watch 

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