Sunday 17 April 2011

Sitara E Khizra (Miracle of Head of Imam Hussain A.S) 2 End

So Satan tried much to finish Muhammad PBUH and his honorable family but Satan failed to do as
Satan murdered Hazrat Umar R.A, Hazrat Uthman R.A and Hazrat Ali R.A
as above persons had much knowledge about the battle of Satan and Adam A.S from the birth of Adam A.S
and they also knew much running stage of that battle
so Satan always desire to kill those people who have any knowledge or any clue against Satan or Satanic activities
Today if any body start to call all humans beings towards true , Satan and his all system will oppose him much that true man who is calling to true
and at last they will kill that true man
if they fail to kill that true man , Satan and his system will start to propagate against him in negative 
Satan knew very much about the importance of Family of Muhhamad PBUH
so Satan killed our three great Caliphs of Islam and at last he took Yazeed as a dictator on Muslims 
and Yazeed took a mission from Satan to kill Imam Hussain A.S
and at last Yazeed and all his Satanic system succeeded to kill son of Muhammad PBUH
but you know truth is made for reveal 
it can not be hide any more
so when the Head of Imam Hussain A.S , was took by Yazidic Army to Damascus
there many miracles  were performed by the Head of Imam Hussain A.S
this film is based on the Miracles of Head of Imam Hussain A.S

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