Thursday, 31 March 2011

إدارة فيس بوك تغلق صفحة ثورة فلسطين ؟ بعد طلب إسرائيلي

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

وسقط القناع عن دعاة الحرية

يريدون فقط ثورات ببلاد المسلمين أما ثورة ضد إسرائيل

فـــــــــــلا ؟

إغلا ق صفحة الثورة الفلسطينية من قبل إدارة فيس بوك !

دعوة لمقاطعة فيسبوك بسبب إلغاء صفحة انتفاضة فلسطين
الخميس 31 مارس 2011

مفكرة الاسلام: دعا نشطاء الإنترنت لمقاطعة موقع فيسبوك في الخامس عشر من الشهر الجاري، وذلك احتجاجا على قيام إدارة الموقع بإغلاق صفحة الانتفاضة الثالثة، التي كانت تدعو للانتفاضة على "إسرائيل" والفساد، والتي تجاوز عدد المشاركين فيها 350 ألف مشترك.

ومن جهة أخرى أعلن مؤسس صفحة الانتفاضة الثالثة عزمه تأسيس موقع جديد للانتفاضة يصعب على أية جهة إغلاقه.

ونفى المصدر نفسه في فيديو نشره على موقع فيسبوك وجود أي صلة له بأي صفحة تدعو للانتفاضة الثالثة، وقال إنه سيعلن قريبا عن عنوان الموقع الإلكتروني الخاص بالانتفاضة وأنه سينشر فيه
خطط هذه الانتفاضة و"طريقة الزحف".

وأكد أنه سيطلب من قناة الجزيرة نشر العنوان الإلكتروني للموقع الجديد، لمساعدة نشطاء الإنترنت على الوصول إليه, وفقا للجزيرة نت.

وفي نفس الفيديو أوضح المصدر ذاته أنه وفي أعقاب إغلاق الصفحة للمرة الأولى، كان قد قام بتأسيس صفحة أخرى تدعو للانتفاضة الثالثة، لكن إدارة فيسبوك قامت بإغلاقها بعد ساعة واحدة، وبعد أن بلغ عدد المشاركين فيها أكثر من ثمانية آلاف مشارك.
يذكر أن إدارة فيسبوك كانت قد هددت مؤسس الصفحة بإغلاق صفحته دون إبداء أسباب. وكانت الصفحة قد حددت 15 مايو القادم، موعدا لانطلاق الانتفاضة الثالثة ضد إسرائيل والفساد ودعت لإنهاء الانقسام الفلسطيني.

ورغم ضخامة عدد زوار الصفحة فإن مؤسسها اتهم قبل نحو أسبوع موقع فيسبوك بالتلاعب بأعداد المشتركين، مشيرا آنذاك إلى أن صفحته كانت تستقطب نحو 34 ألفا يوميا، وتضاءل هذا الرقم فجأة إلى ما بين ألف وألفي مشترك.
وتحدث مؤسس الصفحة عن تضييق على الصفحة، بلغ إلى حد عدم تمكنه
أحيانا من رفع صور عليها.

وكان موقع فيسبوك قد أغلق صفحة باسم الحرية لفلسطين وأزالها من الموقع تماما بعد أن كان عدد المشتركين فيها 216 ألف شخص دون أن يبدي تفسيرا أو يقدم أسبابا لهذا العمل.

مفكرة الإسلام

كيف يكون الحب في الله ؟

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كـيـف يـكـون
الحــب في الله ؟

سؤال ؟

أجاب عـــنــه

الشـــيــخ / محمد بن صالح العثيمين

رحمه الله

مـــع الرابــط

Kingdom of Solomon A.S (Best Urdu Full Movie) 2 مُلکِ سلیمان عہ

Kingdom of Solomon A.S (Best Urdu Full Movie) 1 مُلکِ سلیمان عہ

New Release
Watch New film based on Holy Quran about the life of Prophet Solomon A.S in Urdu, with best Urdu Audio and Video Quality and best Dubbing quality and mixing of Sounds
in first Part there is a festival of Jews which they celebrate on the wheat harvesting
film starts from this festival and people went to Prophet Solomon A.S for pray to start the harvesting of Wheat , remember Prophet Solomon is called Suleiman A.S سلیمان in Arabic , Koranic Language
Prophet Solomon A.S was the son of David who was also a Prophet ,after death of David Prophet , Solomon , Suleman A.S . was chosen as King of Jerusalem , but many of his relatives were agianst him and they wanted to be king in place of Solomon A.S
King Solomon was the king of all Israel and he wanted to stand a building of Heaven , Kingdom of Heaven in this world , so he made a decision in his mind to rule over all as Allah wanted and Allah become contented with that Kingdom,
But Allah knows that which we can not know but if Allah allows us to know, so Allah knew something else that Solomon did not know , so Allah shows him as his body was on the chair of King , and Allah shows him fire in Valley while that valley was green but become fires , he became worry to see that all scenes , he did not know why Allah was showing him that scenes , so Allah called Solomon A.S and told him that you are
trying to do for Kingdom of Heaven but here are many people which are not Pious and Purified with Allah, so one can not make a Kingdom of Heaven in This world while there would be some people by whom Allah was not followed by them , so Allah also told him and warning him about a problem of coming days in form of attack on Humans by Jinns and Devils and Ghost
In those days all Israeli were opposing the laws of Allah by their bad attitude and behavior with Poor Jews, all Rabbus were taking Usury and interest on their small loans, and receive each penny from them in payment of Borrow, so Alla warned them , and Prophet Solomon A.S to prepare themselves against Devils and Jinns who are coming in their world to attack and to kill Humans , but all Rabbis did not beleave in Solomon A.S abput his Prophecy , and they said not to pay support Solomon A.S against Jinns and Satan
It was the first time that satan with his Allies attacked on this human world, these were that beasts and Evil Powers and Evil Creatures who were prisoned in Under world by Zulqr Nain A.S ذوالقرنین
during the Flood in Reign of Prophet Nooh A.S
but due to the sins of Human beings , Satan was able to attack with them on this world , and at last they attacked and start to kill humans , it was a crisis when nobody knew who is killing them ,
It was a Great trial for humans and specially for Prophet yousef A.S
at that time evil powers and Magician started to defeat Muslims and Followers of Islam, but Allah wanted something different , Evil and devil did not know that if True follwers of Allah are examined by Allah or some trials then , they never run away from battel till the defeat of Evil
Magicians and Evil Powers killed the Wife of Prophet Solomon A.S ,
In this Part Director filmed a scene about the Predict of Last Prophet A.S
A rock where from Prophet Muhammad A.S went to Skyes formeeting with Allah, alone, today is still in Israil, and when Muhammad S.A.W went to Sky, that rock also start to rise up , but Muhhamad S.A.W said to that rock stop, so, in present, that rock is too still stationery in air, up to earth, you can seem that rock here too,on net
It is much careful to be peous and neat and cleaned each time, if you will neat and clean then evil powers can not affect you , here are some scenes about the attack of Jinns and Evil powers in City of Zbolon , in Kingdom of Solomon A.S
Here Jinns and Evils attacked on people and occupy on their behaviors and their behavior became much torturful among their own brothers , some people who were keeping beleave in Allah , were not affected by Evils , so they were in battele and were saving their families and their owns,
but evil was much power full, and when Solomon A.S came to there evil had done very killing among common people
So Prophet Solomon A.S came and Evil could not face the Power of Solomon A.S which was granted by Allah tyo his Great Prophet of Israel
The all Rabbis were taking interest and usury on their money which they gve to poor Jews , it was not allowed by Allah , and never allowed in Book of Moses but all Rabbis wrote different commands in their on books and spread all those books among People, and say these are all from Allah,
they did not know that there is also a Prophet among them sent byto amke clean them, and Usury is an Evil action which is not allowed by Allah, but they were doing all bad.
When Prophet Solomon A.S was not in main city Jerusalm, on that time evil powers attack on Mosque Aqsa and start to kill all People who were with Prophet Solomon,
you know best then how Prophet Allah was helped by Allah and Prophet Solomon A.S canme back to city in a night with much velocity and speed
You will have read about the Nusrat of Allah, it is a Victory in special case , granted by Allah to all his people who in difficulties only depend upon Alimight Alllah but not others, so when they only depend upon Allah , Allah must grant them great victory which will be undefeatable, there is only few conditions for the ''Nusrat''
one should only keep believe in ALlah, one should never call any other for help but Allah will help him if he will call for help Him,
Allah also helped Prophet Solomon when there was no any solution for the Jinns and Devil and Evil Powers but Allah is so kind on His creatures , so Allah helped Prophet solomon A.S and saved Humans from Evils

Prophet Ibraheem A.S 2 ابراہیم خلیل اللہ

Allah Accepted his devotion for Him, and Allah ordered him to make Kaba ,
and He made that Hom, Kaba.
now we Muslims go there and remember thr gifts of Allah which Allah gave his Prophets and His friends

Prophet Ibraheem A.S 1 ابراہیم خلیل اللہ

Watch a Beautifull film on the life of Prophet Ibrahim, who was the friend of Allah and he devoted his wife and beloved son
He slaughtered his son for Allah but Allah made his son free

Mossad (Killer of Innocents) End اسرائیلی خفیہ ایجنسی کی سیاہ کاریاں 3

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Mossad (Killer of Innocents) اسرائیلی خفیہ ایجنسی کی سیاہ کاریاں 2

Mossad (Killer of Innocents) اسرائیلی خفیہ ایجنسی کی سیاہ کاریاں 1

Some very bad and lower class activities of Israelite Secret Agency Mossad  موساد
They always killed Muslims, innocent leaders ,

Awais Qarni R.A (Urdu Movie) 3 End اویس قرنی رضہ

Awais Qarni R.A (Urdu Movie) 2 اویس قرنی رضہ

Awais Qarni R.A (Urdu Movie) 1اویس قرنی رضہ

Watch a great Tv serialon the life of Hazrat Awais Owais Ovais Avais Qarni Karni Krni Qrni R.A who never met with Prophet Muhammad PBUH in his life , but he was true follower of Islam too , he belonged to Yemen in Arab , he decided many times to go to Madina  Tyyabba
but mother of Awais Owais Qarni R.A was much sick and old age so Hazrat Awais could not leave her in Yemen, so he could no go to meet with Muhammad PBUH , at last one day his mother permitted him to go to Madina, he went to Madina too, but he could not meet with Muhammad PBUH as at that time Muhammad PBUH was not in City of Madina,
watch and enjoy this great serial on Urdu
here you can watch new upcoming TV series and movies in Urdu and many more Urdu documentaries about our enemies and also listen speeches of Islamic scholars  in Urdu and also can read Urdu Islamic Books free on

Sura Yaseen (Reciting and Urdu translation) سورۃ یاسین - عربی تلاوت و اردو ترجمہ

1.  Ya Sin.
2.  By the Qur'an, full of Wisdom―
3.  Thou art indeed one of the messengers.
4.  On a Straight Way.
5.  It is a Revelation sent down by (Him) the Exalted in Might, Most Merciful.
6.  In order that thou mayest warn a people, whose fathers had received no admonition, and who therefore remain heedless (of the Signs of Allah).

Must Watch and Listen a Beautiful Prayer in Urdu دعا

A beautiful prayer in Urdu , it was recorded on PTV for a morning program , do you  remember , many years ago PTV daily telecast a reciting program in every morning for 1 hour , every body listened it, now is it telecast , know any body?????????
its prayer is most populer and when commentator prays , a man who would be Muslim will must be in contact with Almighty Allah 
listen and watch must   

Sura Rehmaan (Reciting and Urdu translation) سورۃ رحمٰن - عربی تلاوت و اردو ترجمہ

1.  Allah) Most Gracious!
2.  It is He Who has taught the Qur'an.
3.  He has created man:
4.  He has taught him speech (and Intelligence)
5.  The sun and the moon follow courses (exactly) computed;
6.  And the herbs and the trees-both (alike) bow in adoration.
7.  And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the balance (of Justice),
8.  In order that ye may not transgress (due) balance.
9.  So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance.
10.  It is He Who has spread out the earth for (His) creatures:

Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel - Tiflaan E Muslim - Urdu 12 End

Watch last part of great Tv serial about the sons of Muslim bin Aqeel R.A

Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel - Tiflaan E Muslim - Urdu 11

Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel - Tiflaan E Muslim - Urdu 10

Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel - Tiflaan E Muslim - Urdu 9

Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel - Tiflaan E Muslim - Urdu 8

Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel - Tiflaan E Muslim - Urdu 7

Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel - Tiflaan E Muslim - Urdu 6

Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel - Tiflaan E Muslim - Urdu 5


Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel - Tiflaan E Muslim - Urdu 4

Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel - Tiflaan E Muslim - Urdu 3

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel - Tiflaan E Muslim - Urdu 2

Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel - Tiflaan E Muslim - Urdu 1

Watch Movie on the life of Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel, who was the brother of Imam Hussain A.S and he went to Koofa to preach Islam but they killed him and now watch this historical serial , here director shows us how his sons, sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel R.A faced difficulties and at last they were murdered by Kufians

Mukhtar Nama (Best Urdu Dubbing) Episode 5

Who shattered the foundations of Yazidiyyat,
With whose name Yazid of every era is trembling and fearing,
Whose sole objective was following the Book of Allah and Sunnah of Prophet (PBUH&HP), Qisas of the blood of Hussain (AS) & his companions, and defense of have-nots.
The book, published by Mukhtar Publications, Mukhtar Students Organization (MSO), with elegant title and best printing gives us lesson how should we love Aaimmah Masumen (AS). 

Mukhtar Nama (Best Urdu Dubbing) Episode 4

Sun and moon of the sky of bravery,

Wrath of Allah on Yazidan-e-waqt (tyrants of the age),

Cause of pride for Ummat-e-Muhammadi (PBUH&HP),

Who brought coolness to the grieved and afflicted hearts of Ahl-e-Bayt (AS),

For whom Hazrat Imam Zaynul Abidin (AS) prayed,

Who shattered the foundations of Yazidiyyat,

With whose name Yazid of every era is trembling and fearing,

Whose sole objective was following the Book of Allah and Sunnah of Prophet (PBUH&HP), Qisas of the blood of Hussain (AS) & his companions, and defense of have-nots.

Mukhtar Nama (Best Urdu Dubbing) Episode 3

Hazrat Mukhtar (RA) is that soldier of Islam who took revenge from Yazidan-e-waqt (tyrants of the age) of the killing of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS), the grandson of Prophet (PBUH&HP), and his companions. He is that lover of Aal-e-Muhammad (PBUT) who is

The fruit of prayers of Rasool (PBUH&HP) and Ali (AS),

Sun and moon of the sky of bravery,

Wrath of Allah on Yazidan-e-waqt (tyrants of the age),

Cause of pride for Ummat-e-Muhammadi (PBUH&HP),

Who brought coolness to the grieved and afflicted hearts of Ahl-e-Bayt (AS),

Mukhtar Nama (Best Urdu Dubbing) Episode 2

Hazrat Imam Zaynul Abdin (AS) said: “May Allah give best reward to Mukhtar (RA)”

The Book Tazkirah-e-Mukhtar, famous and authentic work of Syedah Bint-ul-Huda, consists of story of Hazrat Mukhtar Bin Abu Ubaidah Saqafi (RA)’s personality, learning, scholarship, introduction, bravery and gallantry besides solid answers of opponents’ objections.

“It is obligatory for every shia youth to read this book,” Jamiat Ulma-e-Jafaria.

Mukhtar Nama (Best Urdu Dubbing) Episode 1

Mokhtar Nama is a TV serial about the life of Mukhtar Saqfi R.A
it is based on History , specially it is based on Shia History
Iran made it in Persian and now it is available in Urdu for Urdu community
in Pakistan and India there are many Shias
we should work on the unity of Shia Sunni
as Unity of all Ummah is the end of our enemies who are enemies of Islam and Muslims

Saint Mary A.S (Urdu) full 9 hours Episode 11 End